This is the Web Landing

Page for the book--

G. Washington Slept Here:

A Sleepy Hollow

Local History

(The Merchants of Main Street)


These photos are supplemental to the

book. I did not take--nor do I own--any of

these photos. For more info, please refer

to the Photo Note (at the bottom of this

page). Be sure to enjoy the movie clips!


Main St., north side:





29 - M.S.







(Following photo by Bob Grossbaum)



Main St., south side:




(Following two photos by Bob Grossbaum)







Broadway, west side:

1 (South) - H.C.


53-55 (North)


Broadway, east side:

110-112 (North)


Peter Blacksberg took many ex-

cellent photos while attending

SHHS. Follow these Facebook

links to view his photos of the

"Sweet Shop" merchants (no need

to be signed on to Facebook):



Final chase scene from

The Headless Horseman



A dozen hurried soldiers in

The Scarlet Coat

TZ Bridge-crossing from

Butterfield 8


I do not own any of these short film clips.

They are linked to here under the doctrine

of Fair Use; for educational purposes, only.

Marathon-run scene from

The Brain That Wouldn't Die

Entering-the-inn scene from

Lovers & Other Strangers

Up-the-Down-Staircase scene from

Child's Play

Via YouTube: TV advertising



Lastly, Beekman Ave., south side:




(Photo above by Bob Grossbaum)

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Here is another special offer:

designed for any who bought the

1st Paperback Edition (61 pp.):

Please read the additional merchant

material (*see below) available in the

1st Revised Paperback Edition (81 pp.).


Free download of full eBook


PDF only. At site,

cilick on gear,

in upper right corner.

(If the option Download PDF does not ap-

pear--after clicking on the arrow to the right

of the gear--try signing off Google/Gmail.)

No special account is necessary.


Free sample for phone or Kindle:

Free (55%): Kindle/EPUB (phone)

No special account is necessary.


Book does not include any

photos, so get them here:

Free PDF Photo Set Download

(Windows: right click, save link as . . . .)

No special account is necessary.


Paperback edition

now available at

(where else?)

Only $3.99

(plus shipping)!

For a new paperback, rock-

bottom price at Amazon

(more than 80 pages,

in a 5" x 8" format).


View 11 more short

clips from TV/movies



Photo Note: All photos displayed here--were first

published no later than 1970. They have been

taken from the official booklet issued in Tarrytown,

N.Y., by the Village Centennial Celebration

Committee (in 1970). Where a photographer's

name has been included, it is also noted here.

As such, these photos are believed to be in the 

public domain. They are included here for

educational purposes, only, under the

doctrine of Fair Use.



*These are the merchants newly

covered in the 1st Revised Edition:

Beekman Shoe Repair

G.M. Plant (WW II)


Music Hall

Pincus Ice Cream Parlor

Shamus (movie shoot)

Suburban Music


Any reddish tint is an artifact of the ink used

in the printing of the original booklet.

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